What is a Low Speed Vehicle (LSV)?
A street legal golf cart otherwise referred to as a low-speed vehicle according to Florida law, is a “four-wheeled vehicle whose top speed is greater than 20 miles per hour, but not greater than 25 miles per hour, that is also registered, titled, and insured.” (Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles)
What are the Requirements of a LSV/Street Legal Golf Cart?
Operation Requirements
- The person who is operating/driving a Low Speed Vehicle/Street Legal Golf Cart is required to have a valid driver’s license in their immediate possession.
- LSVs can only be driven on roads with speed limits of 35 MPH or less.
(Rules from Walton County Sheriff)
Vehicle Feature Requirements
- Headlights
- Turn signals in front and back
- Brake Lights
- Tail Lights
- Led Light Bracket around License Plate
- One red reflex reflector on each side and one on the back
- Exterior mirror on the driver’s side and either an interior rear-view mirror or an exterior mirror on the passenger’s side
- Horn
- Parking brake
- DOT Windshield
- Windshield Wipers
- Each seat must have a seat belt
- Vehicle identification number (VIN)
How can I make Golf Cart Street Legal?
The first thing you need to do in order to make your golf cart street legal is to make sure that your golf cart has all of the safety equipment listed above.
The next step is to take your golf cart to a Motorist Services Regional Office in your area for a vehicle inspection (you will need to trailer it) and to apply for a title and registration.
List of Motorist Services Regional Offices in your County
The following papers will have to be shown:
- Form HSMV 84490: Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin or Bill of Sale for the Golf Cart (Statement of Builder)
- Form HSMV 86064 is an affidavit for a golf cart that has been changed into a low-speed vehicle.
- Original bill of sale or receipt(s) for all parts used to turn the golf cart into an LSV.
- Information on sales tax or sales tax exemptions for all parts
- Certified weight slip for the golf cart that has been changed (this can be done at a weigh station at a truck stop or a local CAT scale)
- Form HSMV 82040, Application for Title
- Proof of insurance in Florida (at least $10,000 in PIP and $10,000 in PDL).
Identification (driver license, ID card or passport) - After giving the necessary paperwork, the last thing to do is pay any fees (inspection fee, initial registration fee if applicable, title fee, registration fee and plate fee).
If you are interested in converting your golf cart into a Low Speed Vehicle, please contact us for more information and to discuss the process. We offer a turn key full service package to take your cart from a Golf Cart to a Florida LSV.
(Sourced from: Walton County Tax Office)